the toolbox

a place for useful bits and pieces

  • find your fashion

    Transform your earplugs into a statement accessory with chic add-ons. Blend fashion with function, turning an essential tool into a stylish statement.

  • how to use your noise-dose

    Did you know that understanding your noise dose today could equip you for years to come? Knowing how much sound exposure your ears can handle empowers you to make smart choices while still enjoying the music and moments you love.

  • Maximise your earplug game

    Learn the tips and tricks for best use! This guide shows you how to avoid the most common earplug mistakes, so you can get the most out of them.

  • Nutrients for the rave

    Key vitamins and minerals play a vital role in supporting your ears against the effects of noise. We summarise them here!

Something missing from our toolbox?

If you think something is missing from our noise-health toolbox then let us know!